Meet the Characters:

Alessio is known as the Blood King. He’s moving Il Destino into a new era. The world is changing, and his father was running the family into the ground. His father’s death was a blessing to the family. Alessio has everyone falling in line except for the few that were protected by the previous don. Alessio also can marry the woman he’s been lusting over since his teens. He knows of her abuse but has no idea of the extent. Can he protect her from the devil she calls dad?

Josephine has endured. Married off to a monster, yet she survived. Becoming a widow was her reprieve, or so she thought, but daddy has other plans and she’s to be used again as pawn for his plans. When Alessio offers marriage to protect her, she’s stunned. It’s not done! Previously married and scarred, she takes the leap and prays they both make it through.

Aligned with the most dangerous group of leaders from Nostra Casa and La Famiglia, Alessio plans to have it all, while keeping his wife safe.

Feel the Passion:

Germano jumps to his feet from behind the desk. His eyes instinctively move to his guest. Gaetano Lisco is sitting in an armchair opposite Germano with a snifter of brandy cradled in his hand. It’s fucking nine in the morning! The man’s known for his excessive drinking. He’s a violent drunk, and on several occasions, his men have had to run to his rescue when he started unnecessary fights.

               I glare in Germano’s direction. “Were you not informed that we were meeting this morning?” I ask, but it’s not meant as a question, and I can feel my slithering tongue wanting to reach out and snap at his neck with my venom. I look at Gaetano, who is staring at the floor.

               Germano clears his throat, heat rising to his face. He’s annoyed. Good. By the time I’m done, he’ll be furious. “Gaetano just dropped in for a visit. I’m sure he won’t mind waiting outside until we’ve completed our business.”

               “What business do you have here this morning, Gaetano?” I take a step forward as he rises from his chair and sets down the glass, his hand shaking. Whether it’s from too much drinking or fear is yet to be seen. Gaetano looks to Germano, searching his face for direction. “I’m asking you, not Germano,” I state.

               “We were discussing Josephine’s situation and how I could help,” he finally says.

               “What situation is that?”

               “An unmarried woman without anyone to look after her, of course,” Gaetano says.

               “I believe your sons are married, are they not?” I ask.

               “Well, yes—”

               “And when is it that a woman is without protection if she’s living with her family? Her father should be her protector.” I turn my head toward Germano, who continues to stare at me. As I walk closer toward Josephine’s father, I can feel Niccolo taking my back. He doesn’t trust this man, not even a little bit.

               Germano is an arrogant son of a bitch. He crosses his arms over his chest and says, “Gaetano has expressed an interest in marrying my daughter. I have the right to ensure the best for her.” He’s daring me to lose it on him, goading and being completely disrespectful. He thinks the relationship he has with my father is still in place and I’ll step back like a “good boy.”

               I look him up and down, seeing him squirm under my gaze. He knows he’s pushed me too far. His arms become unglued and are down by his sides. He swallows deeply. Silence can be an excellent weapon. I let him stew in the quiet of the ticking grandfather clock.

               “You’d better sit down before you fall over,” I tell him. Germano sits. “I have come to discuss Josephine’s situation also.” My eyes flit from one man to the other. “It seems unnecessary to mar such a beautiful woman with the imprint of your palm.”

               “Josephine can be defiant. I won’t be disrespected in my own home,” he replies. “A don has never interfered with personal matters within families. I have the right to do as I please with her.” He juts his chin out smugly.

               “True, however, I’m the don of Il Destino, and as such, I have the power to do as I see fit.” Before I go on, I turn to Niccolo. “See Gaetano out.” I can hear the intake of breath from where I’m standing. Yes, fear. I pin Germano in place with my stare as I hear Niccolo open and shut the door behind him.

               “What is the meaning of this?” Germano shouts, coming to his feet.

               “Sit the fuck down,” I say with purpose. He hesitates a moment before taking his seat again. “I’m claiming Josephine as my wife. I don’t give a flying fuck what you think about it. It serves my purpose. The appropriate time has passed after Angela’s death, and I’m in need of a wife. I’m not looking for a young doe-eyed child, and Josephine will suit me just fine. Am I being clear?”

               “I’ve already promised her to…”

I won’t even let him finish his sentence. “Unpromise,” I snarl.

Leaves you wanting more:

 I search the room for Niccolo. He left to take a call quite some time ago and hasn’t returned. That’s not a good sign. Several underbosses and I were on a conference call prior to having our guests arrive, and all was well. Immediately, my mind goes to a Bratva hit.

               “Did we lose you, Alessio?” Nero teases. At the sound of my name, I pull myself back into the conversation.

               “Niccolo has been gone too long,” I admit. “I don’t like it.”

Leo scans the room and also notices he’s gone. “Where are the women?” Leo asks, but he’s already halfway out the door and tearing down the hall. I’m next to follow, the others on my tail. Coffee cups and dishes all lie about, but no women. I rush to the French doors to see Lucia and Gloria sitting out on the deck furniture, laughing and chatting. Josie walks with Anna, exploring the gardens.

               Niccolo’s standing watch and catches my eye. Relief sets in, but his jaw tightens. Something’s up.

               “We may have a situation,” I announce.

               I no sooner say the words than Niccolo yells out to the ladies to get inside. I wrench open the door and rush out while Nero and Leo lead Gloria, Lucia, and Anna back in. All make it inside except Josie, who trips and hits the pavement. Niccolo’s there before I can get to her. The sun hits an object glittering in the distance. A flurry of bullets from a semiautomatic rain down. Niccolo grabs Josie by the waist and drags her behind the retaining wall to shield her.

               My men hear the shots and rush to meet us.

               “He’s up there.” I point in the direction of the glinting light. The guys backtrack and move around the edge of the property hidden by the trees. Nero and Leo shout to me.

               “We got your back,” Nero shouts, pulling out his gun.

               “Niccolo’s out of ammunition. They’re sitting ducks,” Leo states. Shit! He’s not wrong, and the idiot with the machine gun is ripping pieces out of the wall. Niccolo is huddled over Josie’s crouching form. I race across the lawn with bullets hitting the ground around me and kicking up dirt.

               Gripping my pistol, I make it to them just in time to nail an enemy soldier between the eyes. His partner is about to take a shot at Niccolo when Niccolo charges at him and knocks the gun out of his hands. The hail of bullets has stopped, but Niccolo is enraged and beating the man bloody. I have to stop him. As far as I know, this man is the only survivor, and I need answers.

               “Nic!” I shout. “Nic! I need him alive.” The man’s already knocked out cold and may be dead. I pull Niccolo off. His fists are covered with blood. “Get him to The Dungeon. See if the doc can revive him enough to question him. Someone let him get this close.”

               Josie is still huddled in a ball. I reach out and pull her up to me. I’m furious. Grabbing her hand and taking her back toward the house, I look back over my shoulder. “I want to know what the hell happened just now.” I indicate the man on the ground. “Keep him alive long enough for me to extract information. Call me when he’s ready,” I command, barely containing my temper.

               It’s not until we get back to the house that I notice Josie is shaking like a leaf. Lucia rushes over and sits her down on the sofa. Josie looks my way, and I lose it. My wife was at risk, and I nearly lost her today. The enemy is already making it known that no one is safe. First, they kill my fiancée, and now they plan on taking my wife.

               Grabbing the closest object, a crystal vase, I throw it across the room and watch it smash against the wall, then let out a guttural roar of frustration. “How fucking dare they? Do they think I’ll just sit back and not retaliate?” I rant as I pace back and forth.

               “Shit! The animal is unleashed,” I hear Reno say with a heavy sigh.

               Josie gets up and comes over to me, stopping right in front of my path. She straightens her shoulders, clears her throat, and says, “I’m okay. See? I’m fine.”

               “I’m not fine!” I scream in her face. I expect her to step back out of my way, but she comes closer and wraps her arms around me, resting her head over my heart.

               “You may not be fine right now, but you will be,” she whispers. I envelop her in my arms, holding her tight. She doesn’t say another word, waiting for me to get control of myself. Suddenly, the animal is soothed.

               When I finally look around the room, Reno is leaning against the mantel with Leo by his side. Marco and Nero hover close to their wives. The men know I’ve been tweaked.

               Julian and Eros come into the room and silently let me know they have information with just one look.

               “Ladies, perhaps I can make one final request before you head home. Please see to Josie. Take her upstairs, help her change, and keep her company.” Anna quickly comes to take Josie, and the women lead her to our room. “Eros, guard the room. She’s never out of sight from this moment on.”

               Leo’s the first one to speak. “Friends are in it for the long haul. What do you need?”

               I never thought the day would come when I would consider the leaders of what were once our rival families friends, but here it is. 

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