How will you let us know new books are coming out? 

I always leave you thinking about my next stories in the books I have currently on release.  You can also follow me on Facebook, and sign up for my newsletter.  I am currently working on my next release to Satan’s Pride and working on a new series that I hope you love.

How do I know what future books to expect in a certain series?

Satan’s Pride has been in my mind for a couple of years now and I see 7 books arising from this series.  I also have a new series that is fermenting in my mind and I have the first 3 outlines already underway.

What inspires you to create these stories?

I love to people watch!  I can see the dynamics between friends, lovers, couples. Each of my books is a part of my real world in some form.  I listen to the words that aren’t said and give them a voice.

Which character do you identify with most? 

I can say that each character is a part of me. Ava’s shyness reflects my youth in many ways. Guard’s need to protect is the “mamma bear” in me. War’s loyalty is a value I hold true to and Maddie’s love of creation is the song form of my writing.  

Do you have specific people from your life in mind when you write? 

Surprisingly enough I find that some of my characters are snippets of people I have or have met in my life at some point in time.  I see the person after having written the book and then the “Aha!” moment clicks.

How can I meet you in person?

I love to meet my readers! And I would love to hear from you.  I will be doing launch and signing as the books are released and you can find that information on this site or through Facebook.  Also, feel free to send me an email.