Meet the characters:

Julian is an important high-ranking soldier of Il Destino, and Alessio is grooming him for bigger things ahead. When he’s captured by the Russian Bratva and is left to die, Miliana comes to the rescue. Julian convinces himself he is repaying a debt by making her his wife.

Milana ran away to escape a treacherous marriage her father set up with the enemy. Being the daughter of a traitor means she’s spent most of her time on the run. She’s avoided being found for years and one act of kindness in saving Julian may mean the end for her.

Julian and Milana are thrown together through a mass of commotion and must make their union work. Respect is a good start, but love would be even better.

Feel the passion:

“Raffaele isn’t going to give her up without a good reason,” Alessio replies. “Raffaele owes me a marker. You know what that means. For me to call it in to spare the life of a traitor’s daughter, it’s got to be worth my while. What does Il Destino get out of it?”

               “You already have my undying devotion to the family. What else can I give you?” Julian replies.

               “I know I have yours. What I want is hers.” Alessio points to me. “Can you make me that promise?” he asks me outright. I watch him wide-eyed, my mouth as dry as sawdust.

               “Yes,” I manage to croak out.

Alessio raises his brow, then turns back to Julian. “It’s marriage and the traditions of the past that go along with it. That’s my offer. Think it over. I’ll be back shortly.” Alessio looks at me. “There are guards everywhere. You try to escape, and I’ll have you shot on sight.” He walks out, leaving Julian and me alone.

               Julian leans back in the chair and closes his eyes. He’s in pain and has been doing his best not to show weakness.

               “Christ, this is a mess,” he spits out, his gaze glued to the ceiling.

               “You don’t have to do this,” I whisper. I couldn’t ask him to give up his future. This is my problem. Well, my father’s fuckup, actually, but I knew there might be a day when this would all catch up with me, and I would have to pay the price of the sinners.

               “Do you know what the traditions consist of?” he asks, his head coming up so he meets my gaze. I shake my head. “Years ago, the women of Il Destino were branded with our insignia and with their husband’s name. It was to show the rest of the families that they chose to be ours. They also have to bleed for us. I make a cut, then their blood is dripped into a chalice and mixed with their husband’s. It’s called the bond of blood.”

He pauses like he’s waiting for me to say something. “O-okay,” I murmur.

“Those are the easy ones.” He sits up straighter and asks, ”Are you a virgin?”

Did I hear him correctly? “P-pardon?”

“You heard me.”


“Because you need to be a virgin, and the night we marry, you will stain the sheets for all to see in the morning.”

I gasp loudly. “That’s barbaric.”

“So is death by torture. Or having to fuck countless men a day to earn your keep for Ultimo Morte,” he bites back, then softens his tone. “I’ll ask you only once more: are you a virgin?”

I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks, and I lower my eyes. “Yes.”

“Don’t lie to me. I’ll find out when I fuck you, and you won’t like what happens next. I’ll take my knife out and slit your throat right then and there. I’m the only ally you’ve got, so don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not lying,” I promise.

Leaves you wanting more:

“Good morning, miele mia,” I tease, delaying the tasting. “Where’s my good-morning kiss?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Her eyes grow wide.

“A good meal starts with a happy good morning,” I continue.

She leans over and kisses me on the cheek. “Morning!” She beams a bright smile at me. I clasp my hand on the back of her head and pull her close, then let my lips explore hers. Slow, teasingly, and languorously delicious. She tastes like sweet candy. When I finally let her go, she clutches my arm. When she sees that she’s still holding on, she releases me immediately, her fingers covering her swollen lips.

I take my first forkful and moan. “These are fantastic.”

She grins. “Really?”

“Don’t tell my mother, but these are as good as hers,” I whisper. She giggles, and it’s the most amazing sound. “Where’s yours?”

“I was waiting for you.”

“Get yourself some. We have a busy day ahead. We have a lot to get done. Tomorrow, I’m back to work. That means all the wedding stuff is up to you and Mom. We’re checking out some houses in the area and I’m going to be introducing you to your bodyguard.”


“You need one. Mom has one, and he can’t continue to look out for the both of you,” I say. I don’t want to alarm her if there isn’t a reason to. I’d rather get news from Luciano and speak to Alessio before jumping the gun.

“Okay,” she acquiesces.

“Eat up, baby,” I command.