Meet the characters:

Bull is as stubborn as they come and has no intention of changing his ways for anyone. His team accepts him as he is, and he makes no excuses for his blunt ways. Then he meets Maya, a woman sweeter than candy, and he can’t deny his feelings for her.

Maya is shy but knows a good man when she sees Bull. Can she convince him that she’s stronger than she looks and can take anything that’s thrown at her?

Bull learns that strength comes in many forms!

Feel the passion:

I want to kiss her and have every intention of doing so, but at this moment, having her in my arms with her head resting over my heart and our hands linked together is more intimate than a kiss. I don’t want to move. I want the world to stand still, and I want to memorize every detail of this moment.

               When she tilts her head up to look into my eyes, I see her desire. She’s waiting for me to make my move. I take in the smoothness of her skin, allowing my fingertips to trail down her cheek to the curve of her neck. Her soft, plump lips part slightly. Unknowingly beckoning for me to kiss her.

               I take my time lowering my mouth to hers. I want our first kiss to be perfect, but perfect doesn’t even come close to describing it. It’s like coming home. Warm, sweet, loving, all the goodness that comes with being with the person you care about. And yet, the electricity when our lips meet is unlike any I’ve ever experienced. A sizzle that I feel down to my bones.

               Maya’s shy at first, but soon has her fists clenched into my shirt, and she mewls as I take our kiss deeper. Long, slow, sensual, exploring every crevice of her mouth. When I finally pull back, her eyes open slowly, meeting my gaze.

               “That’s the best kiss I’ve ever had,” she whispers.

               I know Maya hasn’t had many boyfriends, based on her kiss. But I’ve kissed plenty, and nothing compares to what we just did.

               “Best damn kiss I’ve ever had, baby,” I tell her.

She smiles shyly. “Really?”

               “I never lie. You’ll soon find out that I don’t say what I don’t mean. I’m a lot to handle, Maya. Now’s the time to run for it,” I warn. Although, after having had a taste of her sweetness, I’m not going to be able to let her go. I’ll give chase and win her over.  

Leaves you wanting more:

 Bull’s strides are the length of two of mine, and I find myself practically running to keep up.

               “Slow down, please,” I whisper. Immediately, he slows his steps to match my own. I slide my key in the lock to open the door. Bull pushes the door open and nudges me along to move inside, coming in after me and shutting and locking the door behind him.


               Oof! I’m lifted off my feet and held in Bull’s arms, where I cling to his shoulders for fear of falling. Just as quickly as I’m lifted into the air, I’m settled on his lap as he sits in my armchair with his arms like bands of steel wrapped around me.

               I stare at him in awe. “What’s happening?” I whisper.

               “I haven’t a fucking clue. Except I was ready to strangle Ken with my bare hands for touching you. And rip out the other guy’s tongue for talking to you, and gouge out that dude’s eyes for looking at you like he was imagining you naked.”

               Well, what do you say to that?

               “He wasn’t—”

               “He was. He was imagining you naked, and I don’t like it.” He’s scowling like a child who had his toy taken away from him. I don’t know whether to laugh or be peeved that he thinks he has the right to be jealous at this point.

               I cautiously choose my words. “I’m still not sure what this means,” I say quietly.

               “Do you know what kind of a man I am?” he asks in clear frustration.

               “A good one,” I reply without hesitation.

               He shakes his head, his eyes never leaving mine. “No, baby. I’m not.”

               “You’re a great friend. Kailyn told me so. Phoenix, Falcon, Rebel, and Wire all say the same thing. You do a dangerous job, but only because the cause matters to you all. You take time out of your busy schedule to visit an old woman and bring her groceries. You fixed a door for a woman you don’t even know and—”

               “I’ve killed people. Yeah, I was in the military, and these were bad men. Some women too. It doesn’t negate the fact that I killed them. I’m rough and loud. I’m stubborn, and I don’t give a shit what people think of me. You’ll never get me in a tie, and the only time you’ll see me in uniform is when I have to attend a funeral for a serviceman, which I hope to God doesn’t happen. I’m not soft or romantic. I might be able to pull off bringing flowers, but don’t expect it. I can cook, but I work long hours, so that would only happen on weekends.” Bull looks like he’s waiting for me to bolt. When I remain quiet, he starts to continue, but I put my fingers on his lips.

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