Meet the characters:

A friends-to-lovers best friend’s widow second chance romance.

Mason, aka Phoenix, puts his life on the line every day, but nothing is more terrifying than facing the feelings he has for Kailyn. His best friend is gone, and Mason is feeling the guilt of wanting Kailyn in his arms.

Kailyn loved her husband. They were high school sweethearts and lived a short but happy marriage. When he died, she died a little too. Until Mason comes along and resurrects her desire.

Guilt is a powerful emotion, but love is stronger.

The Storm Enterprise series features heroes from a group of ex-snipers who navigate not only dangerous missions but also love and the challenges of coming back home.e in her quaint flower shop, but it seems that the ugliness of her dead sister’s past has caught up with her. Even though Rose has always distanced herself from her drug addicted sister, it seems that her enemies want their pound in flesh.

Thunder will do what needs to be done but can they resolve this issue without bloodshed?

Feel the passion:

A loud pounding at the door jolts me out of my bed. I look at the bedside table and see that it’s barely eight in the morning. Still in my pajama shorts and tee, I wrench the door open to find an angry Mason standing before me.

               “You walked out on me.”

               I blink once, then again.

               “You—you were sleeping,” I explain.

               “Then you left, and I wasn’t.” He brushes past me and into my living space, pacing back and forth.

               “You were asleep,” I repeat. “You needed the rest.”

               “Why did you leave?” He stalks toward me. I back up as he comes in fast, and I brace against the back of the closed door. He closes me in with one hand by my head and the other by my hip.

               “I—I told you.”

               “Why. Did. You. Leave?” he asks again, lowering his head, nose to nose, his lips a hair’s breadth away. His fingertips trace over my cheek, so gently that I snap.

               “Because it hurts too much,” I sob. “I don’t know what’s happening to me, but when I’m around you, I feel too much.” My voice cracks. His forehead touches mine. His nose glides against mine, a small gesture that holds so much meaning.

               “Baby,” he murmurs, his voice ragged with emotion. I hold my breath, waiting for what comes next. “Breathe, baby.” His lips brush my cheek, and I shut my eyes. This feels too good.

               “What’s happening?” I whisper.

               “We’ll figure this out. Together, when you’re ready,” he says. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for so long.” I open my eyes to gaze into his magnificent dark brown ones. “I’ve imagined you in my arms a thousand times. I stayed away as long as I could, giving you time to adjust, and wrestling with my conscience about how it will change the balance of our lives, not to mention the rest of the team.”

Leaves you wanting more:

When I lost Cory, I thought I would die right along with him. Having two officers show up at my door to tell me that Cory was gone forever was my lowest moment. My husband, lover, friend, the sweetest man who ever lived, was gone. I cried for a week straight. Cory’s parents stayed with me. Together, we mourned and planned Cory’s funeral.

               Before I even met Falcon, Mason, and the others, I felt like I knew them. They arrived at the funeral in full uniform, never breaking the military procession, and yet I knew they were grieving the same loss. They were upset, but Mason stood out among them. His pain matched my own.

               A few days later, Falcon and Mason came to visit and told me about their plan for Storm Enterprises and Cory’s part in it all. Cory and I had talked about this before his untimely death, and I knew that he was convinced that this was our future. Falcon wanted to make sure I knew that the money the company earned would be split evenly among them all, including me.

               When they were leaving the funeral, Falcon waited for Mason to walk back to their vehicle, then said, “Mason blames himself. He thinks he should have been out there with him that day, but he was coming off an eighteen-hour mission and it would have been suicide to continue. Even if he were there, it would have meant that I would have lost two brothers that day instead of one.”

               “It’s not his fault,” I replied, looking over his shoulder to the man slumped in the vehicle, staring back at me.

               “I know,” Falcon said. “Cory was important to all of us, but there was a special bond between him and Mason. Like all of us, he needs time to adjust to life without Cory in it. He’ll never be forgotten, but hopefully, the good memories will take hold and see us through the rough times.”

               I’ve seen Mason every now and again since that day. He’s always been sweet, kind, friendly, and caring, and yet distant. He was there to help me move into my own apartment. When he found out I was sick with the flu while he was on leave, he chose to come look after me instead of doing his own thing. I know he cares about me…like a sister.

               I don’t know how or when it happened, but I started developing feelings for Mason. Feelings I knew he didn’t return. I went through the gamut of emotions when I finally admitted to myself that I cared for him. Guilt is at the top of my list.

               Cory was my best friend. I knew everything there was to know about him. How he liked his cereal to sit for thirty seconds before eating it because it tasted better to him that way. How he liked to be surrounded by people when he was home. He said he wanted to memorize their faces so he could carry them with him when he was away. The way he loved me, gentle and tender.

He was my first everything. The thought of anyone else coming to take his place seemed ridiculous, until Mason.

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